Legal Disclaimers!


"Chip 'n' Dale's Rescue Rangers" are the exclusive property of the Walt Disney Co.

They appear here without the permission of the Walt Disney Co.

Their use on this or any related site is not to be interpreted as compromising in any way the exclusive

copyright held by the Walt Disney Co.


I do swear and affirm that this site, these calendar pages and the contributions of the artists and writers

displayed herein are done solely as a fan/hobby activity, with no financial profit whatever to myself or to

the contributors.


All images displayed in these calendar pages are considered by myself, Ray Jones, to be suitable for

family viewing.  I, and not the contributors, am solely responsible for making that determination.


No person whomsoever is legally or ethically responsible for the on-line publication of this calendar and the appearance of these images in it except for myself, Ray Jones.


Ray Jones